Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Franchise Expo Paris

From 14th to 17th it took place in Paris the Franchise Expo Paris, one of the most important Exhibitions in Europe about Franchises.

Frucosol was there for the 1st time, and we can see we are satisfied with the experience.

As most of the Shows, the time will determine if the Show was good or bad, but Victor and Landry, the two salesmen who attended the Exhibition, think that we can have a good new soon.

Those are some pictures from the Show.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Frucosol Franquicia Blogspot

A new blog has been developed by the Frucosol team. The title is clear: "Frucosol Franquicia", and it deals with the new business the people of Frucosol is promoting nowadays: Frucosol ecolimpieza and Frucosol Servizumo.

The blog is in Spanish and it will include news that have to do with many different things: tourism, health, Exhibitions, Franchises, and so on.

Do not hesitate and visit this new blog, and give any comment to her owner, ms.Pilar Deza.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We have a new friend in the UK

After some months of dialogues, Frucosol and AAA vents have decided to fight together against "the crisis" and will try to work together to offer solutions to their customers.

This is why this strong British Company has added two of our newest products to their website, that is, the decarbonisers and the oil filter machine.
It is a pleasure for the Frucosol people that AAA Vents has decided to offer our products as they are specialist in the cleaning and disinfections process, so we think this company will do a very good job promoting our machines.

I would like to thank mr. David for his trust in our company, and I am sure we will work together for many years.