Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

HOTEX, from Hungary

Recently, the company HOTEX from Hungary has included Frucosol products in their website.

In that way, anyone from that fantastic country could reach us more easily; this company could offer any catering, hotel, restaurant, bar, ...any product they may need in their dayly activity as they sell not only Frucosol products, but also kitchens, coffee machines, dishwashers, coolers, and so on.

So do not hesitate and visit the Hotex website.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

HOST 09, Trade Show at Milano

One more time, Frucosol attended the most important Exhibition of the HORECA business. It took place from 23rd to 27th of October and the best manufacturers from all over the world were there.
Following its line of Quality, Innovation and Customer's Service, FRUCOSOL show their new products. In this edition, Frucosol explained the new business they are developed based on the FRANCHISE model, focusing on the decarboniser machines, a product that helps the ENVIRONMENT in many ways.
As well, FRUCOSOL gave to their customer the necessary tools to develop their sales job, that is, brochures, CD's, catalogues and so on.
Summing up, it was a good way to meet their customers and contact with people interested on it. The result can be considered very satisfactory as all the customers who visited our booth were very happy with our machines and our attention, so we can be satisfied with it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HOST 2009

Since 23rd to 27th of October it will take place in Milan the HOST Exhibition, the most important Trade Show that anyone can attend in Europe.
Frucosol, being one of the most important manufacturers in Europe, will be present with a fantastic 50m2 booth where you could find our different ranges of machines: automatic orange juicers, cutlery and glass polishers, decarbonisers, potato peelers and so on.
If you have the opportunity to attend, do not hesitate it and visit us. Our booth will be the F72 G71 in the pavillion 11.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Frucosol Franchise??

Taking into account the difficult times we are suffering, Frucosol doesn't stop its imagination and is thinking about new ways of business.

We have developed an study about the options of become your own manager, and the possibility of become a franchise of Frucosol is a very reliable and profitable option.

Our study is based on a business that consist of an exploitation of our machines, that is to say, to hire our decarbonisers or orange juicers (there are 2 options) to hotels, restaurants, caterings, hospitals, bars, pubs, and so on.

In those times of economical difficulties, hiring is a better option than buying, and this is why this new way of business has an interesting future.

If you would like to have more information you can visit the website http://www.franquicia-frucosol.com/ or sending us an e-mail.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The end of the summer came...

The summer has closed its door and a new season has started. September is a difficult month as almost everybody is still thinking of our holidays, but we have to take into account that we have to start again, and we should do it more powerful!!

Frucosol people has in mind at this moment the next and final Exhibitions of this year 2009: HOST at Milano (October) and Horeq at Madrid (November). If any of you would like to receive some invitations to any of these, please contact us before next 15th of September.

As well, we are thinking about new machines to develop, so remember to look at this blog often...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Interview with Edward Eldredge, the ORANGE MAN (USA)

What is Orange Man?
Orange Man Commercial Juicers is a company with the purpose to market automatic commercial citrus juicing equipment within the United States and Canada. Oranges seem to be the most popular for juicing out of all the different types of citrus fruit. This is the reason we picked the name “Orange” Man. Our logo was created with the super hero theme to imply and provide “super” / superior quality and service.

How is your work everyday?
Fine, yours? My workday mostly entails responding and answering potential customers questions and inquiries.
Also processing new juicer orders and servicing existing customers with parts orders when the need arises.

Why did you choose Frucosol products? Did you compare it with other brands?
Victor at Frucosol contacted us first and we thank him for this. We were sellin another brand but some changes made our cost increased a lot. As one door seemed to be closing another door was opening. Our company was now seeking a new juicer line to add to our website at that time and Victor’s email contact had perfect timing. We were speaking with other companies in Brazil, etc. but talks broke down mostly over there wholesale cost structure being too high.

Which are your most sold products?
I believe this is the Frucosol “F50" automatic commercial orange juicer.

Have you sold something outside USA? Is it one of your objectives?
Yes, we have sold to Canada numerous times and we desire to continue to service the USA and Canada.

Do you have something to say to Frucosol people?
Yes, I enjoy my friendship with all of the Frucosol people in whom I have relationships with. I also look forward to a mutually prosperous business relationship that the future years may bring to us both.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Interview to Tanel Kriisa, Eltermo (Estonia)

We are modifying our website and one of the new points we are going to include is an interview with some of our dealers. One of the first ones is the company Eltermo (Estonia) and those are some words from its manager, Mr. Tanel Kriisa.

What is Eltermo?
Eltermo is an Estonian trade company which is operating in various fields of business and always interested in expanding its work :
Eltermo`s main goal is to help to make work easier, more productive, to save time & money for our clients and end-users.

Which are your main customers?
Our main customers are from HoReCa sector (hotels, restaurants, cafes, caterings). Our clients are also shopping malls, public buildings/institutions, offices, night clubs, universities and even few civilians.

Why did you choose Frucosol products? Did you compare it with other brands?
Actually at first we found commercial citrus juicer from UK and even visited their office in June 2007. Though we decided not to work with them as communication with them was almost non-existing. How can you make business if you`ll get reply after a week?.
We are very glad that we found Frucosol contacts from internet and also very pleased that their product range is wider than just juicers and many other innovative products in list. We like that they are working on research and development of current products and making new exclusive machines.

Do you have something to say to Frucosol people?
We are very glad with your excellent service. Especially I like the possibility to contact with your export manager Mr. Victor Martinez by skype whenever I need to ask or discuss something. We can not imagine business with Frucosol without Victor


We will put some more examples in the future.

Friday, June 5, 2009

NRA Show 2009

We are back! The NRA Show 2009 finished about 2 weeks ago, and it is very soon to consider it successful or not, but we have good feelings about it.
Our machines are more known in the American market, something very good for us, as it is a good sign about the quality of the machines.

Some customers took the oportunity to get very good prices for our products, such as THE SHADE HOTEL in California, MODIS from Colorado or PAPASPIROS in Illinois.

We could check that the economical situation has affected too to the US, but it is clear that they are very positive people and it is almost sure they will be the first ones in getting out from the crisis...

We have to thanks again our dealer from Florida, Mr. Edward (ORANGE MAN), as he was as helpful as always.
In order you can see how was our booth, I enclose some pictures.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NRA 2009 - Chicago (USA)

One more time, Frucosol will be present at the NRA Show that will take place at Chicago from 16th to 19th of May.
It is one of the most important Exhibitions that anyone can find in USA, and, although it is a difficult moment because of the economic situation, Frucosol will bet again for this Show as we have had a great success in previous editions.
We would be very glad to explain our visitors a new type of business we have developed, so anyone could set up their own company with an investment that is no very high. Do not hesitate and ask us how...!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Potato peeler Frucosol PF-300

"The annual diet of an average global citizen in the first decade of the twenty-first century would include about 33 kilograms (or 73 lbs.) of potato. However, the local importance of potato is extremely variable and rapidly changing. The potato remains an essential crop in Europe (especially eastern and central Europe), where per capita production is still the highest in the world, but the most rapid expansion of potato over the past few decades has occurred in southern and eastern Asia." Wikipedia. This brief sentence explains very well the importance of potatoes nowadays. Due to this sentence and the request of many customers, Frucosol has decided to add one model of these machines to its range of products, the potato peeler PF-300. This machine is able to peel about 10 kgs of orange in no more than 2 minutes, so it is a very important machine for any restaurant, bar, hotel, catering, hospital, ...summing up, any place where the service of meals is continuous. As with the rest of our machines, we have made one video in which you could see how this machine works, as one image is always better than thousands of words.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hoteres Japan 2009

Last month of February (24th to 27th) it took place the Hoteres Japan Exhibition in Tokyo.
There, Frucosol was also present thanks to its dealer, the company DAC CO LTD.
This company has bet for our glass polisher machine and they are making a very good job.
The website of the company is the following: www.dac-web.co.jp
We are sure this company is the perfect tool to introduce our glass polishers in that small but interesting country that is Japan.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


A new website has been launched from Frucosol: www.exprimidorasdezumo.com
As the title means, it deals with our orange juice machines, and there you will be able to find the technical files of our range of juicers, videos, recipes to make juices and smoothies, news and so on.
We think now it is the perfect moment as our family of juicers has grown with the models Self Service and Freezer. As well, we mustn't forget that our juicers have been certify recently by the ETL, so together with the lack of problems, we can say now is one of the best moments in the life of Frucosol juicers.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Successful Trade Fair Gulf Food 2009

There has been about 2 weeks since the Gulf Food Show finished, and we can do a balance of how was the show.

If we look at the numbers, we can say that the Show had less visitors than in previous editions, but the quality of those was very good.

In that Exhibition, Frucosol had a big stand in which visitors could see our 6 different models of orange juicers, the cutlery polishers, the always impressive glass polisher and some other as the grease remover and the oil filter machine.
We can say that the Show was very successful for us from the very begining but now, future numbers will have to give us the reason and let's hope for the best.
We have to thank many people who trusted on our products there and were interested to purchase it directly.

It is almost sure we will come back next year, so we are preparing new products and surprises for the next Gulf Food Show 2010.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gulf Food 2009

From 23th to 26th of February Frucosol will be present in the 14th Gulf Food Trade show that will take place in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).
This is the third time Frucosol will exhibit its products there, so we can say it has become a fixed Trade Show in our calendar of Exhibitions.
There, we will present for the first time our Self Service and Freezer orange juicers.
This is a good oportunity for those companies from the East part of the world to see our machines and check the good quality we provide them
Our booth will be the ZC-110, in the Zabeel Pavillion.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I suppose everybody has thought sometimes the following: I would like to be my own boss....

The people of Frucosol has done it, and we have developed a new business for enterprising people.

We are talking about a business of exploitation, that is, buying some machines and rent it to your customer for a set quantity of money each month. We have developed this new type of business thinking of our grease remover or decarboniser MC-1000. This machine is just a tank, that we have to fill with water, put a temperature of 85ºC and after adding a special detergent, we have the machine ready to remove the grease and dirty of trays, filters, pots, frying pans, summing up, all the kitchen tools. So, with this machine we WILL SAVE WATER, CLEANING PRODUCTS, GAS, TIME, EXTRA WORKING HOURS, and so on.

The business is sure: the person in charge will buy a machine for about 1900 euros, and they will rent it for about 250 euros each month; this quantity is paid by a after sales service that consist on: once a month, the person in charge will have to change the material and water of the machine, something it is made in about 20 minutes. Then, it is clear that after about 9 or 11 months we have repaid the machine and will have profits since then.

If you want to know something else about it, just contact with us at export@frucosol.com with the subjet "rental".

Friday, January 23, 2009

Frucosol blog

For this new year 2009, we are going to try one difficult thing: to publish our blog in several languages, and we have started with French.
Of course there will be some mistakes on it, but we will try to make it as best as possible.
The link for the new blog is the following: www.frucosolfrancais.blogspot.com
We will put a link on the right side of our blog, so it will be easier for our French customers see the last news.

Monday, January 12, 2009

2009, New Year of Hope

A new year has begun, 2009 is already here.
During this year, Frucosol will attend several exhibitions such as Gulf Food in Dubai, NRA in Chicago, the HOST in Milan or Horeq in Madrid. If some of you could be interested in attending any of these, do not hesitate in asking for some invitation.
However many of our customers have confirmed us their presence as Exhibitors in several Shows in London, Athens, Paris, Lisbon, and so on.
We hope this is the year of consolidation of our new products: the orange juicers Frucosol Self Service and Freezer, and the oil filter machine or potato peeler.
Due to the Economical situation, this year maybe the year of "renting" a type of business that can solve the situation many times, but that is not commonly used.
From our side, just confirming that we will go on developing our products with the objective of reaching "the perfection".